
In the early 1900s, the shadow of the Kremlin gloomed over the Church in Russia. The anti-Christian culture of the Communist state was full of deceit. Many times the Bolsheviks had policies in place for the “progression” of humanity, when in fact, these policies were used to tear down Christianity, making way for the self-assumed power of the state.

The Soviets confiscated the precious metals of the church to “help” the poor. It was later discovered that this practice was a ploy to degrade religious establishments. Another example is when the government shifted the week to include Sunday as a workday. This tactic pulled congregants from the churches and placed them in the factories where they could be “useful” citizens of the state.

Perhaps one of the more obvious anti-Christian movements of the time was when the Bezbozhnik, that is, the Journal of the League of the Godless, wanted to abolish Easter! The claim was that Easter was anti-Semitic, blaming the jews for the death of Christ.

Ridiculous as this sounds, it shows us that culture will dress up their attacks on Christianity as something beneficial to humankind. This sounds all too familiar to what’s happening today, doesn’t it? If we look at history we will find that If we do not hold to tradition and religious practices steeped in Scripture, the anti-Christian movement of today will get away with their so-called “progression”……that is regression from Godliness.

Peter Ventimiglia